Take the Red Hill Pledge TODAY!

Hawai‘i’s water is being poisoned. Jet fuel released from the U.S. Navy’s 80-year-old, 250 million gallon capacity bulk fuel storage facility in Kapūkakī, or Red Hill, has contaminated the water system for 93,000 O‘ahu residents.  Without urgent action, another release of fuel from this facility could turn this crisis into a catastrophe.

Since 1943, more than 180,000 gallons of fuel have leaked from the Red Hill Facility, situated just 100 feet above the underground aquifer that serves as O‘ahu’s principle source of drinking water. This includes the release of 27,000 gallons in 2014 and up to 19,000 gallons in 2021.  As a result, Hawai‘i has experienced disastrous public health impacts, the displacement of thousands of families, and the indefinite closure of nearby municipal wells that once provided a significant amount of the water used by 400,000 residents as well as the majority of O‘ahu’s schools, hospitals, hotels, and businesses.

And things only stand to get worse, as well over 100 million gallons of fuel remain stored in this aged facility.

Yet despite the demands of elected officials, regulatory agencies, and community members from all walks of life, the Navy continues to deny the urgent need to defuel and decommission the Red Hill Facility.  This is unacceptable. We cannot let our current water crisis become a harbinger of things to come, of a “new normal” for hundreds of thousands of additional O‘ahu residents if and when another major leak, or worse, befalls the Red Hill Facility.

We cannot let this disaster worsen. We cannot let this happen again.

We must #ShutDownRedHill

What You Can Do

Take the Red Hill Pledge. Contact family, friends, representatives, and community groups in Hawai‘i and ask them to support the Red Hill pledge at www.redhillpledge.com.  This will help show the decisionmakers in D.C. that Hawai‘i is demanding that Red Hill be defueled and shut down permanently. 

Sign the Petition to President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden.  Ask everyone you know in Hawai‘i and beyond to *sign and share* this petition (also available on the Red Hill Pledge website and at www.redhillcrisis.com) demanding that former President Obama and President Biden intervene to #shutdownredhill.  
Uplift. Post, tweet, and share about Red Hill! You can point people to learn more at bit.ly/sch-rh or make use of our fact sheet on the issue. Please also download, share, and use these Zoom backgrounds. You can also follow and amplify groups like @kaohewai and @oahuwaterprotectors who have been organizing and raising awareness around the Red Hill Facility. Use the hashtags #ShutDownRedHill, #RedHillPledge, #RedHillCrisis, #olaikawai, #kukiaiwai, and/or #WaiOlaWednesdays!


Kauaʻi Prosecuting Attorney Voting Ballots due by SATURDAY, FEB 26TH @ 7 PM!


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