Did You Miss the Pesticides & Public Health Panel Discussion? Find the Recorded Session Here!
A huge thank you to those that were able to join us on December 21st!
Mahalo to our wonderful panelists, Councilmember Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Fern Holland and Dr. Rosana Hernandez Weldon.
Anne Frederick, HAPA’s Executive Director (far left) moderated the Pesticides &Public Health panel with panelists (left to right) Maui County Councilmember Keani Rawlins-Fernandez (Molokaʻi), Fern Holland (HAPA) and Dr. Rosana Weldon (UH) at Ka Waiwai on Dec. 21st, 2023
Learn more about how local data (made available since 2019) on pesticide use in Hawaiʻi has raised public health concerns. Our panelists provided insight on potential health impacts from pesticide drift, citing the scientific evidence of the public health risks associated with pesticides used heavily in Hawaiʻi. Panelists also unpacked how our dominant industrialized food system is designed to bolster the profits of pesticide manufacturers at the expense of public and environmental health, underscoring the importance of transforming Hawaiʻi’s food system towards a more just and regenerative future.
You can find the full discussion on our YouTube channel.
About Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action
The Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) is deeply committed to championing social, economic, and environmental justice throughout Hawaiʻi. Recognizing the interconnected nature of food systems, we underscore that the challenges plaguing these systems are not isolated from broader social, economic, and environmental concerns. We believe in an integrated approach that addresses these interdependencies to create a just, equitable, and sustainable future for Hawaiʻi.
Contact: info@hapahi.org | (808) 212-9616