Legislative Update: Which Good Food and Agriculture Bills Are Still Alive?

Good news! 

Many good food and agriculture bills we’ve supported this session made it through all their committees. 

The following bills have passed through their assigned committee hearings in both the Senate and House:

SB2990 SD1 HD1: Cover Crops

SB3004 SD1 HD1: Composting

SB2989 SD1 HD1: Healthy Soils

SB2218 SD1 HD1: Food Hubs

SB2992 SD1 HD1: Hawaii Agricultural Investment Program

SB3197 SD2 HD1: Farmer Apprentice Mentioning Program

HB2466 HD2 SD1: Taro Tax Exemption 

HB1768 HD2 SD2: Kalo Farming Water Access

HB1517 HD2 SD2: Coffee Labeling 

HB1568 HD2 SD2: Local Food Procurement 

HB1992 HD3 SD1: Composting

Many of these bills will still need to make it through conference committee, where the Senate and House resolve any differences. If the bills pass out of conference committee, they go the Governor’s desk.

Unfortunately, there were also several bills we supported that failed to get hearings after crossover to the other chamber.

The following bills have “died” and are no longer active:

SB2629 SD2: Pesticide Disposal Program

SB2974 SD1: Changing Advisory Committee on Pesticides

SB2888 SD2: Cottage Food Bill

SB2675 SD1: Cover Crops

SB2955 SD1: Composting

SB2944 SD1: Protects Agricultural Lands

HB2304 HD1: Farm to School 

HB1844 HD2: Farm to School

HB1864 HD2: Farm to School

HB1525 HD1: Local Food Procurement 

Even though some of our priority bills didn’t advance, there are some significant bright spots this session in terms of our lawmakers prioritizing greater support for our ag sector. 

We thank our lawmakers and everyone who has taken action this legislative session. Robust community engagement in session is important in building momentum towards fixing our broken food system. 

Stay tuned for future calls to action! Together, we can fight for a more just and sustainable Hawaiʻi. 


HAPA Strategic Planning Retreat 2022


Legislative Update: Status of ADC Reform Bills