HAPA Strategic Planning Retreat 2022


This past weekend, HAPA’s wonderful staff and board gathered together to discuss how we can grow and strengthen the organization and develop HAPA’s strategic plan for the next 3 years! We are excited to evolve so that we can continue bringing Hawaiʻi’s people together at the intersections of social, economic, and environmental justice. 

Rather than viewing these fights as distinct struggles in Hawai’i, we see how each of these issues are rooted in the systemic inequalities created by corporate greed and influence in our local government. 

HAPA hopes to serve as a resource that can link arms across various movements, unifying people from different backgrounds through education on how these struggles are intertwined. Together, we are stronger. 

We are thrilled for what’s to come for HAPA within these next few years. Thank you to our awe-inspiring board and staff, our supporters, and all the activists, organizers, and leaders who have paved the way for us so that doing this work is possible.


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