Action Alert: Home Stretch for Good Food Systems Bills

Mahalo to all of you submitting testimony in support of HAPA’s policy agenda! We’re in the home stretch, bills are getting scheduled for their final hearings next week. Please take a moment to submit testimony in support of these good food and agriculture bills! 


On Tuesday, April 1st, in a joint hearing of the Senate Committees on Ways & Means and the Judiciary, the committees will be hearing a bill to give the Water Commission authorization to levy heavier penalties on violations to the State Water Code. Testimony is due Monday, March 31st! 

Support HB306 HD2 SD1 - Increases Water Code Penalties

What Does This Bill Do?

Adds a minimum penalty and maximum penalty per violation of the State Water Code and authorizes the Commission on Water Resource Management to consider each day that a violation exists or continues to exist as a separate offense.  Establishes factors the CWRM must consider when determining the amount of the penalty. The Water Commission must consider:  The nature, circumstances, extent, gravity, and history of the violation and of any prior violations; and the economic benefit to the violator, or anticipated by the violator, resulting from the violation along with other considerations that will help to ensure fines are focused on addressing the major violators engaged in extractive water grabs.


Why Is This Important? Sample Testimony: 

Enforcement of the Hawaiʻis Water Code is essential to the health of traditional and customary practices by ensuring streamflows are sufficient for kalo cultivation, health of riparian species, and for overall conservation efforts to ensure abundant clean water resources for future generations. Please support HB306 HD2 SD. Ola i ka Wai! 

On Wednesday, April 2nd the Senate Committee on Ways & Means will be hearing two bills to support a healthy local food system. Testimony is due Tuesday, April 1st.

Support HB86 HD2 : Makai Watch

What Does This Bill Do?

Appropriates moneys to the Department of Land and Natural Resources for the establishment of full-time equivalent permanent Makai Watch Coordinator positions


Why Is This Important? Sample Testimony

The Hawaiʻi Makai Watch Program is a collaborative, statewide initiative where communities become directly involved with the DLNR and DOCARE in the management and protection of nearshore marine resources through promoting education and compliance to rules and regulations. This collaborative approach has resulted in an increase of awareness about the rules and regulations protecting our marine resources and a decrease in both intentional and unintentional poaching. This has a direct, positive impact on the nearshore marine environment.

Support HB1294 HD2 SD1: Agricultural Workforce Housing Working Group

What Does This Bill Do?

Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish an Agricultural Workforce Housing Working Group to address the shortage and challenges of agricultural workforce housing in the State. 


Why Is This Important? Sample Testimony

Farmer housing in Hawaiʻi is needed to address the affordable housing crisis and support the state's agricultural workforce. The stability of the agricultural workforce is important for food security in Hawaiʻi. The stability of farmer housing is critical to growing Hawaiʻi’s local food security. Given the complexity of navigating state and county regulations, a working group is a first step to identifying how to navigate viable solutions.

Tired of watching our local communities struggle to survive while billionaires scoop up Hawaiʻi’s lands and natural resources. Guess what? It doesn’t have to be this way! Interested in learning more about how you can deepen your advocacy and level up your leadership and engagement?

Applications are currently open for HAPA’s 8th Kuleana Academy Cohort! Learn more about how KA supports local leaders in building people power and taking action towards a more just future for Hawaiʻi. Applications are open through March 31st. Apply Today!

Join us this session in supporting a broad array of bills designed to support local farmers, food producers, increase local food production, address inequities in our food system such as food insecurity, and support regenerative and indigenous farming/food production practices.

Learn more information below about HAPA’s 2024 FSFS policy agenda and take action in support of these Fair & Sustainable Food System policy priorities! 

New to Legislative Engagement? Learn more about how to engage in the Legislative Session! 

Make sure you have set up your account on the Hawaii State Legislature website. If you are new to the process, see this helpful page on legislative engagement 101 from the Public Access Room including a link on how to submit testimony!

Mahalo for taking action! 


No More Pay-to-Play: Back HB370 & HB371


Your Voice Needed: Key Democracy Bills Stuck in Financial Committees