Mahalo for Joining us for the Poisoning Paradise Film Festival!

Thanks to all who participated in the Poisoning Paradise Film Fest!

It was an action packed three weeks of exploring the complexity of our food systems, the impacts of industrial pesticide use on frontline communities, and the ways in which grassroots community-led movements are taking back their foodways from corporate control to create a more just and regenerative food future. We hope you found the panel discussions as informative and inspiring as we all did. 

Our sincere gratitude to all our wonderful panelists and moderators for sharing their stories and wisdom! Thanks to all who organized screenings, as well as our partners and co-sponsors. 

If you missed any of the panels its not too late! All the recordings, along with additional links and resources about our panelists campaigns and organizations are available on the Poisoning Paradise Film Festival website.

Mālia Kahaleinia Chun

Na Pua Noʻeau Program Coordinator 

Josh Mori

Iwikua Executive Director 

Jesús Vázquez

Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica de Puerto Rico

Maria Luisa Mendonça

Research Scholar at Center for Place, Culture and Politics at the Graduate Center of CUNY

BJ McManama

Save Our Roots Campaign Organizer for Indigenous Environmental Network

Want to learn more about our panelists and support their work?

Learn more on the film festival site. 

The Poisoning Paradise Film Festival was organized by the Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action, Herbicide Free Campus and Uprooted and Rising with support from the Ceres Trust.  

Want to join our movement for food and land sovereignty? Learn more about our organizations today!

Uprooted and Rising

Herbicide Free Campus 

Hawai’i Alliance for Progressive Action


Help Restore the Waters of Waiʻaleʻale and Waikoko!


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