2024 Fair & Sustainable Food Systems Policy Agenda
Status Update as of 4.1.24
Our current food system is broken by design, supporting increasingly consolidated corporate profits at the expense of public and environmental health, climate and workers. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Transforming our local food system can address some of the most intractable problems facing our local communities. Because our food system is so broad, touching upon every facet of our lives, there is no one silver bullet solution. Policy advocacy is one tool in our toolbox for creating change. HAPA supports a broad food and agriculture policy agenda that seeks to uplift a variety of complimentary solutions along our food system. We seek to provide a comprehensive food systems policy agenda and timely, actionable legislative alerts for key bills moving through our legislative session.
Our FSFS Priority Areas:
Food Equity
HAPA supports food security programs to address rising hunger rates in Hawaii. The ending of certain federal and local benefits coupled with increasing cost of living has led to increased local food insecurity. Increasing funding for local food security along with other measures to boost procurement of locally grown food can support local food producers and food insecure residents as well.
Universal School Meals - HB1540 | HB2256 | HB1775 HD1| SB2327
Hunger should never be a barrier to learning, yet many food insecure students are missing meals and cannot thrive in the classroom. Universal free school meals will provide breakfast and lunch to all public school students and will help to improve health and learning outcomes.
Status 2/27/24:
HB1540 - DEAD - Deferred by EDN
HB2256 - DEAD - Deferred by EDN
HB1775 HD1 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in EDU
SB2327 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing
DA BUX - SB2802 | HB1525 | SB2421| HB2771 HD1
DA BUX is a triple-win solution. It doubles the purchasing power of a SNAP dollar when used to buy Hawai‘i-grown produce; it supports local farmers by increasing the customer base, and keeps dollars in the local community. This bill dedicates $2M in state funding, which can be matched by federal funding.
SB2802 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing
HB1525 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in FIN
SB2421 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
HB2771 HD1 - Crossed Over; Referred to AEN/HHS, WAM (Awaiting a hearing in WAM)
Addressing the SNAP/hunger cliff - HB 1661/SB 2135
As pandemic related and other benefits have ended food insecurity is rising in Hawaii. State funded food benefits to supplement SNAP (or other anti-hunger programs) can help alleviate hunger.
HB 1661 - DEAD - Deferred by HUS
SB 2135 - DEAD - Deferred by HHS
Farm to Foodbank - SB2479 / HB2137 | HB2590 HD1 / SB3379
Establishes the Hawaiʻi farm to food bank program and Hawaiʻi food assistance program special fund to alleviate food shortages in the State.
SB2479 - DEAD Awaiting a hearing in WAM
HB2137 - DEAD Awaiting a hearing in FIN
HB2590 HD1 - Crossed Over; Referred to AEN, WAM (Needs a hearing in WAM)
SB3379 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing
Pesticide Protections
HAPA was founded in 2014 to respond to community concerns about pesticide drift from agrochemical test fields. Data from the first year of mandatory restricted use pesticide (RUP) usage reporting (2019) revealed concerning rates of application of certain highly toxic pesticides. To better assess health and environmental risks and provide proactive public health protections the following measures are needed.
Improved disclosure of restricted use pesticides (RUP’s) - HB2646/SB3316 & HB2136 HD1
Hawaiʻi needs more geographically specific reporting of pesticide use to accurately assess current risk. California requires reporting within a square mile of application. This level of specificity will allow for credible public health/epidemiological studies to be conducted.
HB2646 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing
SB3316 SD1 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in AGR
HB2136 HD1 - Crossed Over, Awaiting a hearing in CPN/WAM (not meaningful reform)
Increased RUP buffer zones - HB2299/SB3315
Epidemiological studies have revealed that exposure to certain pesticides drifting from over ½ mile can harm human health, with children being amongst the most vulnerable. Certain pesticides are more prone to drift to others. Reporting data has revealed some of the highest rates of application of highly drift prone and carcinogenic pesticides adjacent to residential areas in Hawaiʻi. Increased buffer zones around schools and other sensitive areas provide common sense public health protections for keiki.
HB2299 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing
SB3315 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing JDC/WAM
Reclassify neonics as RUP’s - HB1582 / SB2366
Neonicotinoids (“neonics”) are reported to be the largest class of insecticides used globally and are linked to pollinator declines. Vital for a healthy food system, 1 in 3 bites of food is attributed to pollinators. Increasingly a body of research is also finding harmful human health impacts. Because they are not classified as “restricted use pesticides” (RUP) in Hawaii, we have no data on the extent of their use locally or ability to study the potential impacts.
HB1582 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing
SB2366 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in CPN
Support for Food Producers & Regenerative Farming Practices
Transportation Cost Reimbursement - SB2799
Establishes a Local Agriculture Transportation Cost Reimbursement Incentive Program to be administered by the Department of Agriculture to reimburse eligible producers for a portion of the producer's costs to transport agricultural commodities.
SB2799 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing
Interisland Shipping Tax Credit for Produce & Ag Goods - SB3247
Creates an income tax credit for transportation costs incurred by certain taxpayers who ship agricultural products and inputs between counties.
SB3247 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
Food Manufacturer Tax Credit - SB2432
Establishes a food manufacturer tax credit. Defines "qualified taxpayer" as a manufacturer that produces value-added processed, agricultural, or food products.
SB2432 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
Farmer & Producer Tax Credit - SB3302
Creates an income tax credit for qualified expenses of eligible farmers, ranchers, and fishers.
SB3302 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
Agricultural Investment Program - SB2428
Creates an agricultural investment program to support farmers.
SB2428 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
Healthy Soils Program - SB2423
Create a statewide soil health assessment with a list of practices specific to Hawaii and that are most effective in improving soil health and building soil carbon stocks; Provide farmers with education and technical assistance to implement farm management practices that contribute to healthy soils; Establish standards that apply to the healthy soils program and are based on the findings of the greenhouse gas sequestration task force relating to minimum levels of soil carbon and water content and required soil health practices; and subject to available funding, issue awards and other financial incentives to implement farm management practices that contribute to healthy soils.
SB2423 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Free the Water Commission - SB3327 SD1| SB2690 SD1
Would allow the Water Commission to hold water code violators accountable with meaningful fines, and take emergency and timely action during water shortages caused by prolonged droughts, aquifer contamination, rising chloride levels, or other unforeseen events. Moreover, it would protect Water Commission members and staff from the influence of opportunistic and politically connected corporate interests, allowing them to implement the state Water Code in the public’s interest, and without fear of political retribution.
SB3327 SD1 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in JHA
SB2690 SD1 - Amended in WAL to incorporate key provisions from SB3327; awaiting a hearing in WAM/JHA
Support Fishpond Restoration - HB2626 HD1
Appropriates funds to the Board of Land and Natural Resources to create a standard lease application and programmatic environmental impact statement to streamline the process of leasing government-owned Hawaiian fishponds, prioritizing community co-managed organizations and projects. HD1 would require a management plan with native Hawaiian practices for leasing of government fishponds.
HB2626 HD1 - Awaiting a hearing in WAM
Fishpond Hatchery Support - SB2329 / HB2631 - a large CIP & positions request for fishpond hatchery support.
SB2329 SD1 - Awaiting a hearing in FIN
HB2631 - Never scheduled for a hearing
Support native Hawaiian Fishpond Practices SB513 - this was the same as original HB2626, asking for lease streamlining for government owned fishponds - but we’re asking that this one get amended to be the same as HB2626.
SB513 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
Support Fishpond Restocking SB2296 - similar to SB2329/HB2631 but requests an appropriation for procuring fingerlings & limbs for fishpond restocking, and one Aquaculture biologist position.
SB2296 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
Feasibility Study for Restorative Aquaculture HB2001 - requires the DOA’s Aquaculture Development Program to do a feasibility study to identify potential sites for restorative aquaculture. The HD1 has our suggested amendments from the first hearing, to include fish in the feasibility analysis, and prioritize rural & Native Hawaiian communities/orgs already doing restorative aquaculture.
HB2001 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in FIN
Food System Planning
State Food Systems Planning Bill - SB2414 / HB2130 HD1
Establishes the Sustainable Food Systems Working Group. Requires a report to the Legislature before the Regular Session of 2025
SB2414 - DEAD - Never scheduled for a hearing in WAM
HB2130 HD1 - Needs a hearing in FIN
Good Food Procurement
Policy Leads: Hawaii Farm to School Hui (HIPHI)
Farm to School - SB2429 | HB2083 / SB2365
Authorizes the Department of Education to establish a recognition program to incentivize schools to submit to the Department a plan for the school to reach the local farm to school meal goal of thirty percent of food served in the school to consist of locally sourced products by 2030. Requires public high schools under the Department of Education to provide plantbased meals as an option under the school meals program.
SB2429 - DEAD Never scheduled for a hearing
HB2083 - Needs a hearing in WAM
SB2365 - DEAD Never scheduled for a hearing
Agriculture Education Coordinator Position - HB2138
Appropriates funds to the University of Hawaiʻi for the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources to establish an agriculture education coordinator position.
HB2138 - DEAD Never scheduled for a hearing in FIN
View HAPA’s 2024 Fair & Sustainable Food Systems Policy Agenda
Join us this session in supporting a broad array of bills designed to support local farmers, food producers, increase local food production, address inequities in our food system such as food insecurity, and support regenerative and indigenous farming/food production practices.
See more information below about HAPA’s 2024 FSFS policy agenda below and take action in support of these Fair & Sustainable Food System policy priorities!
New to Legislative Engagement? Learn more about how to engage in the Legislative Session!
Make sure you have set up your account on the Hawaii State Legislature website. If you are new to the process, see this helpful page on legislative engagement 101 from the Public Access Room including a link on how to submit testimony!
About Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action
The Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) is deeply committed to championing social, economic, and environmental justice throughout Hawaiʻi. Recognizing the interconnected nature of food systems, we underscore that the challenges plaguing these systems are not isolated from broader social, economic, and environmental concerns. We believe in an integrated approach that addresses these interdependencies to create a just, equitable, and sustainable future for Hawaiʻi.
Contact: info@hapahi.org | (808) 212-9616