KA Alumni Weekend : Hanalei, Kaua‘i

Last month, we hosted an amazing weekend with Kuleana Academy alumni and community members on Kauaʻi, and I’m still buzzing from the energy and inspiration.

Saturday, July 13

We had some incredible discussions about the issues facing Kauaʻi and Hawai‘i, as well as shared projects community members were curnently working on. KA alumni Noelani Ahia & Kaiea Medeiros, along with KA trainer Lauryn Rego spoke on a panel discussion facilitated by our ED Anne Frederick. They shared moving stories about community resilience on Maui and their recent successes in organizing in the aftermath of the Lahaina fires.

We ended the day with a pau hana gathered hosted at Tahiti Nui.

Sunday, July 14

On Sunday, we spent the day in Haena with Lei Wann at Limahuli Gardens and Emily Cadiz at Hui Makaʻāinana o Makana. Spending time in the loʻi and working the land was so grounding. They shared the history of the place, and the family caretakers, and their struggles and successes with tourism management.

Mahalo to everyone who participated and made this weekend unforgettable. We are looking forward to our All Alumni gathering towards the end of the year on O’ahu and smaller gatherings with other alumni on all islands.


ACTION ALERT! Stand with Kapiʻolani Nurses!


Building Bridges in San Francisco: A Journey of Collaboration and Community Part 2