HAPA’s mission is to catalyze community empowerment and systemic change towards valuing people and ‘āina ahead of corporate profits. HAPAʻs aim as an organization is to be a timely, credible resource that Hawaiʻi community members rely upon for critical information and alerts pertaining to food systems and the intersectional environmental, social, and economic issues that Hawaiʻi confronts today. We have four interconnected program areas Fair & Sustainable Food Systems (FSFS), Community-Based Resource Stewardship (CBRS), Reclaiming Democracy (RD), and Social & Economic Justice (SEJ) that serve as a comprehensive plan toward accomplishing our mission. Below are action alerts from our community partners and events for your review.

OPPOSE Army’s Purchasing Land for Pōhakuloa on Hawaiʻi Island!

DEADLINE - Thursday, April 11th @ 9 AM


Please take a moment to send testimony in OPPOSITION of the army’s purchasing of land from Pōhakuloa on Hawaiʻi Island. 




Email Subject: Opposition to Proposed Land Swap for Military Training Activities at Pōhakuloa


Dear Members of the Department of Land and Natural Resources,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed land swap for military training activities at Pōhakula. This proposal, which seeks to exchange state lands crucial for training purposes, poses significant risks to both the environment and public safety.

The state lands in question are vital for military training activities at Pōhakuloa. However, it is important to note that much of the non-state land earmarked for the swap is filled with unexplored ordinances, presenting a serious hazard to both military personnel and civilians. Additionally, the proximity of these lands to the saddle road raises concerns about the safety of civilians accessing this major thoroughfare.

A closer examination reveals that the majority of firing points utilized by the military are situated on state leased lands. Should these lands be lost due to the proposed swap, the military would be forced to reposition firing points onto US lands, potentially endangering civilians passing along a major highway. This poses an unacceptable risk to public safety and must be avoided at all costs.

Furthermore, I am deeply troubled by the implications of the mālama ʻāina findings legal case involving Aunty Max and Uncle Kū. It is evident that the military has failed to comply with the lease conditions and address the findings of this case. The proposed land swap would allow them to continue their actions without being held accountable for their misconduct, effectively bypassing the law and undermining the principles of justice and accountability.

In conclusion, I urge the Department of Land and Natural Resources to reject the proposed land swap for military training activities at Pōhakuloa. Instead, I implore you to prioritize the safety of civilians and the protection of our natural environment by ensuring that the military complies with all lease conditions and legal obligations. Thank you for considering my testimony on this important matter.

 Your Name, Town

Save Reef Fish from Aquarium Trade in West Hawaiʻi!

DEADLINE - Thursday, April 11th @ 9 AM


Please submit testimony in strong OPPOSITION to DARs plan to reopen our reefs to the destructive aquarium trade (instructions below).




Email Subject: April 12; Agenda Items F.2 and F.3 Testimony Opposition to Reopening Reefs to Destructive Aquarium Trade

Dear Department of Land and Natural Resources,

I am writing to strongly oppose the proposed plan by the Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) to reopen our reefs to the destructive aquarium trade. I urge you to uphold the December 8 unanimous Board vote directing DAR to begin rulemaking and to hold the required public hearings on the rules promptly.

The briefing document provided by DAR regarding the West Hawaiʻi Aquarium Plan (Item F.2) is deeply concerning. It fails to acknowledge the negative impacts of the proposed aquarium collection, including the significant reduction in yellow tang abundance in areas where collection has occurred. Furthermore, the proposed level of take exceeds that of subsistence, recreational, and commercial fishers combined, which is alarming.

Additionally, the document fails to address major cultural concerns, enforcement challenges, or the looming threat of climate change. The trade not only conflicts with local culture and native Hawaiian values, such as pono fishing practices, but it also disregards the opposition from Hawaiʻi's 46 moku that make up the entire state Aha Moku.

Moreover, a published cost/benefit analysis demonstrates that Hawaiʻi residents receive zero benefits from the aquarium trade but suffer all the costs. Given the dire predictions by scientists that we could lose 70% of our reefs by 2030 due to climate change, it is imperative that we prioritize reef conservation efforts. Reefs require more herbivores to thrive, and DAR's current herbivore rules for food fish are not robust enough to support reef health.

Legalizing aquarium collection would only provide cover for increased illegal poaching, exacerbating the ongoing threats to our marine ecosystems.

I implore you to uphold the December 8 vote and commence the rule making process to end the aquarium trade. Our reefs are invaluable treasures that must be protected for future generations to enjoy.

Thank you for considering my testimony.

Your Name, Town


ACTION 1 -  Contact Representatives:  TAKE ACTION ONLINE NOW!

(This is an easy submit online form in just one click!)

ACTION 2 -  Save the Date April 22nd Rally! (info coming soon)

Rep Tarnas 808-586-8510 reptarnas@capitol.hawaii.gov and

Speaker Saiki 808-586-6100 repsaiki@capitol.hawaii.gov


Please forward this email to your friends and family and share on social media.

Words from our very own HAPA Board President Gary Hooser, "Clean Elections is Dead, Duplicity is Alive – Long Live Clean Elections," Only when our elected leaders get the message that we want action on these issues…and that we are oh so tired of talk, double-talk and promises. It's only when they know clearly that a majority of the voters feel like you and I do…only then will the action happen. Gotta push hard."

Despite passing unanimously in the Senate, Clean Elections SB 2381 – SD2 remains stalled in the House, primarily due to the actions of Representative Tarnas. 

There are still opportunities to advance Clean Elections through bills like SB 2381 or SB1543. These initiatives require collaboration between the Senate and the House, which should be feasible given the recent unanimous support in the Senate.

Please share this message and urge others to take action. Contact Representative Tarnas and Speaker Saiki, and demand the passage of Clean Elections. And remember, don't be swayed by claims of deadlines or funding shortages—they're not telling the whole truth.

Help Pass Hawaiʻi Ceasefire Resolution!

Advocates rallied at the Capitol on March 28th to call on legislators to save the Hawaiʻi Ceasefire Resolution

Photo by Will Caron

We've sent nearly 18,000 emails and over 1,100 patch-through calls during this legislative process. Community efforts like rallies, teach-ins, and direct confrontations with lawmakers have pushed the Hawai‘i Senate to adopt SCR13 by a wide margin. However, we still need more support in the State House. It's crucial to keep up the pressure by continuing to call and email. We've updated the email template, and now you can also target your own state representative. Patch-through calls are especially effective, connecting you to key decision-makers. Please make these calls; they truly matter. 

Here are two easy ways you can regularly use your voice to demand a ceasefire:

Use this tool to contact key reps to ask them to hear and vote yes on the resolution 

ACTION 2 - Write to your Hawaiʻi federal representatives

ACTION 3 – SPREAD THE WORD:  Please forward this email to your friends and family and share on social media.

OPPOSE Construction of TMT on Maunakea!

KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance - Tell the National Science Foundation Board not to fund construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea! Sign the petition and share with 10 others!

ACTION 1 - Sign the Petition: https://bit.ly/protectmaunakeanow

ACTION 2 – SPREAD THE WORD:  Please forward this email to your friends and family and share on social media.

Events | Opportunities

Join us at the Native Hawaiian Student Services Lāhui Hawaiʻi Research Center 7th Annual Student Conference 2024 - Thursday, April 11 & Friday, April 12

The 2-day conference from 9am-3pm an in-person conference that seeks to feature research from undergraduate and graduate students from UH Mānoa and across the UH System.

See the program: here

Learn more here: https://manoa.hawaii.edu/nhss/

Working Families Caucus - Legislative Budget Lunch & Learn Updates

RSVP: Honolulu, Oʻahu - Saturay, April 13th 10am-12pm - Church of the Crossroads

(1212 University Ave, Honolulu, HI 96826)

The 1898 Project Summit - Hawaiʻinuiākea, Native Hawaiian Student Services UHM, Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities, and Center for Biographical Research 

No RSVP Necessary - Honolulu, Oʻahu - Saturay, April 13th 1pm-8pm

Honolulu, Oʻahu - Sunday, April 14th 9am-6pm

(Kamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies
2645 Dole St, Honolulu, HI 96822
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)

Raise UP Hawaiʻi

Honolulu, Oʻahu - Monday, April 15th - 11:00am - Wake by the Queen's Statue at the Hawaiʻi "State" Capitol (415 S Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96813)

Join us on May 1st International Workers' Action!

Introducing the 4th annual International Workers’ Day, or May Day, celebration in partnership with the Defend and Respect Hawaiʻis Workers Coalition. This years march will be at the Hawaiʻi Capitol. Whilst our elected officials kill pro-worker bills, we are taking a stand. We want to see YOU out rallying with us demanding that workers are prioritized over corporate interests.

Stay tuned for more information from us and we hope to see you on May 1st.

Are you interested in being a part of International Workers’ Day with us? Sign up at bit.ly/hwcmayday to RSVP as an attendee, join our planning committee, or volunteer at the rally!

Want to keep up to date with Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action?

About Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action 

The Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA) is deeply committed to championing social, economic, and environmental justice throughout Hawaiʻi. Recognizing the interconnected nature of food systems, we underscore that the challenges plaguing these systems are not isolated from broader social, economic, and environmental concerns. We believe in an integrated approach that addresses these interdependencies to create a just, equitable, and sustainable future for Hawaiʻi.

Contact: info@hapahi.org | (808) 212-9616


Advocate for Working Families in Hawaiʻi- Join Us for May Day at the Legislature!


ACTION ALERT: Unbelievable - Legislature DOUBLES DOWN on estate tax breaks for the rich. SUBMIT IN OPPOSITION HB2653 NOW!