2025 HAPA FSFS Policy Agenda- UPDATE
HAPA’s Fair & Sustainable Food Systems Agenda
Updated as of 2.1.25
Mahalo to everyone taking action this session! Here is an update on the status of the bills in our FSFS Policy Agenda that we’ve sent out legislative alerts for thus far.
FSFS Priority Areas:
Food Equity
Funds SNAP Staff SB960: HHS PASSED on 1.29.25 w/amendments.
Provides funds to the Department of Human Services to increase the number of SNAP staff and their pay.
Expands SNAP Access SB961: HHS PASSED on 1.29.25 w/amendments. Extends certification periods for most SNAP households, including up to 36 months for kūpuna households.
Pesticide Protections
Improved RUP Reporting SB 351: AEN PASSED on 1.29.25
Improves RUP usages reporting, provides geospatial specificity.
Increased Bufferzones SB 352. AEN PASSED on 1.29.25
Establishes a one-half mile buffer zone for pesticides around schools and state and county public parks.
Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK)
Fishpond Inventory HB 309 HD1 - WAL PASSED on 1.28.25 , w/ amendments; Will be heard by HED on 2.5.25 at 2pm; Creates an inventory and map of all state-owned fishponds and conducts a literature review.
Increases Water Code Penalties HB 306 HD1 - WAL PASSED on 1.28.28, w/ amendments; Will be heard by JHA on 2.5.25 at 2pm; Increases penalties for violations of the State Water Code. Requires the Water Commission to determine the amount of the penalty based on the circumstances of the violation. Amendments require consideration of economic benefit to violators.
Support for Food Producers & Regenerative Farming Practices
Healthy Soils Program SB 552 - AEN PASSED on 1.27.25
Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish a Healthy Soils Program.
Food Hub Pilot Program SB 693 - AEN PASSED on 1.27.25
Appropriates funds for the continued implementation of the Food Hub Pilot Program.
Prohibits Foreign Ownership of Ag Lands SB 245 - AEN deferred DM until 2.3.25 at 1pm
Prohibits certain entities from owning, purchasing, or acquiring ownership of agricultural lands.
Repeals GE Tax Exemption SB 681 - AEN deferred DM until 2.3.25 at 1pm
Repeals the exemption to the general excise tax for agricultural businesses engaged in the production of genetically engineered agricultural products.
Agricultural Workforce Housing Working Group SB 498 - AEN PASSED on 1.29.25
Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish an Agricultural Workforce Housing Working Group to address the shortage and challenges of agricultural workforce housing in the State.
Farm to School/State
Farm to School HB 328 - EDN PASSED on 1.28.28, w/ amendments;
Regionalizes DoE food procurement to support farm to school meal programs through partnerships to meet the local farm to school meal goal of thirty per cent of food served in the school to consist of locally sourced products by 2030.