Action Alert: Support Clean Elections and Food Equity!

Please take a few moments to submit testimony in support of the Clean Elections bill and these three food equity bills with hearings this week!

Fully Funded Public Elections

The Senate Committee on Ways and Means will hear this bill on Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 10:04am in Conference Room 211 and via video conference. Only Written Testimony accepted and is due tomorrow,  Wednesday, Feb. 25th at 10:04am, but late testimony is still accepted.

Support SB51 - Fully Funded Public Elections

Establishes a comprehensive system of public financing for all candidates seeking election to state and county public offices in the State of Hawai‘i, to begin with the 2026 general election year. 

What does this Bill Do? 

This bill offers public funding to candidates who agree not to accept private donations. It levels the playing field and frees candidates from big donors who might try to influence them.

Candidates who choose this system pledge to reject donations from lobbyists, corporations, unions, and wealthy individuals. This allows elected officials to make decisions based on public needs rather than donor demands. The system invites more candidates to run, even if they lack financial backing. Grassroots supporters and small-dollar contributions gain more weight, which can bring fresh ideas and voices into state and county races.

Why is this Important?

Hawai‘i started a partial public funding program after adding it to the State Constitution in 1978. That early effort showed a commitment to ethical elections. This new proposal expands on that foundation. Between 2010 and 2012, the Hawai‘i  County Council pilot program gave about $363,000 in public funds to 16 candidates. Many praised the pilot project for reducing reliance on wealthy contributors and for showing that publicly funded elections can work in Hawai‘i.

This investment can help protect the integrity of elections for all residents. Reducing dependence on large private donations can cut the costs linked to corruption or investigations later on. 

Sample Testimony: 

Please support SB51.Implementing fully publicly funded elections can help restore trust and integrity in Hawaii’s elections, which have historically depended on wealthy donors. The success of Hawai‘i’s partial public funding program and past pilot programs demonstrates that this approach can work, reducing undue influence and increasing voter trust in the electoral process.

Public financing levels the playing field, allowing more diverse and community-driven candidates to run for office without the barrier of big-money fundraising. It fosters a government that truly reflects the will of the people, rather than those with the deepest pockets and connections to influence.

Food Equity Bills

Did you know that one in three households in Hawaiʻi reports experiencing food insecurity? Take a moment to support a bill addressing the staggering increase in food insecurity while also supporting our local farmers and producers. 

Support SB1250 SD1: Farm to Families

The Senate Committee on Ways and Means will hear this bill on Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 10:04am in Conference Room 211 and via video conference. Testimony is due tomorrow,  Tuesday, Feb. 25th at 10:04am, but late testimony is still accepted.

What Does This Bill Do?

Establishes the Hawaii Farm to Families Program to alleviate food shortages in the State. Connects food insecure households with locally grown and produced food. 

Why Is This Important? Sample Testimony: 

Please support HB428 HD1. The statistics around food insecurity in Hawaii are staggering. One in three households in Hawaiʻi report experiencing food insecurity. Nearly half (46%) of ALICE households lack consistent access to food. Increasing the ability of food banks to purchase locally grown food is a win-win for our communities and farmers. One major challenge local farmers face is access to markets. This will help grow our local food and agriculture economy while providing our communities with nutritious food. As the cost of imports continues to increase, investing in our local food economy will help bolster our local production and food security in the long term. 

Preparing Hawaiʻi’s families in the wake of disaster, food banks rely almost exclusively on private donations and grants, even though local governments rely heavily on them during times of crisis. The Farm to Families program would provide funding for purchasing from local farmers, improving emergency food access for families and opening up a local market for farmers during times of economic crisis. 

Support SB960: Funds SNAP Staff

The Senate Committee on Ways and Means will hear this bill on Thursday, Feb. 27th at 10:30am in Conference Room 211 and via video conference. Testimony is due Wednesday,  Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 10:30am, but late testimony is still accepted.

What Does This Bill Do?

Provides funds to the Department of Human Services to increase the number of SNAP staff and their pay.

Why Is This Important? Sample Testimony

SNAP applicants often face 4+ hours-long waits to speak with a representative, with many giving up on the process entirely due to the inability to get help. As a result, only 62% of eligible residents, including just 35% of our kūpuna, are enrolled in this vital program. The SNAP department is critically understaffed, unable to handle the high volume of applicants. Increasing pay for SNAP workers and adding staff positions within the Department of Human Services would fill vacancies, improve efficiency, and boost enrollment. Raising the enrollment rate to just 75% could bring over $100 million in much-needed support to struggling families in our state. Please support SB960. 

Support SB961: Expands SNAP Access

The Senate Committee on Ways and Means will hear this bill on Thursday, Feb. 27th at 10:30am in Conference Room 211 and via video conference. Testimony is due Wednesday,  Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 10:30am, but late testimony is still accepted.

What Does This Bill Do?

Extends certification periods for most SNAP households, including up to 36 months for kūpuna households.

Why Is This Important? Sample Testimony

SNAP provides essential support to many families, but the complicated application and recertification process often causes eligible recipients to lose their benefits. Extending the certification period for all recipients, would reduce these barriers and ensure more people maintain their benefits. Participating in the Elderly Simplified Application Program would allow kūpuna to recertify only once every three years. These changes would ease the burden on both applicants and SNAP staff, improving access to this vital program for everyone. Please support SB961.


Action Alert: Call for Good Government Bills to be Scheduled


Action Alert: Support Stronger Public Financing for Elections!