Mahalo to the Senate Committees on Judiciary (JDC) and Ways & Means (WAM) for passing SB352 SD1!

Mahalo to the Senate Committees on Judiciary (JDC) and Ways & Means (WAM) for passing SB352 SD1! 

A big mahalo to JDC Chair Rhoads, WAM Chair Dela Cruz for scheduling and supporting SB352 SD1, and to all the members of the Senate Committees on Judiciary and Ways & Means for their support! 

Also, we’re so grateful for all of you who took time to submit testimony in support of increasing RUP buffer zones to our keiki for pesticide drift. There were 76 testimonies in support! 

Please take a moment to thank Chair Rhoads for introducing SB 352 and helping to schedule it this session, and Chair Dela Cruz for his support as well. Please express your appreciation to the committee members as well. 

Senator Rhoads, Judiciary Chair:

Senator Gabbard, Judiciary Vice Chair:

Senator Dela Cruz, Ways & Means Chair:

Senator Morwaki, Ways & Means Vice Chair:

Judiciary Committee Members:

Senator Rhoads, Chair

Senator Gabbard, Vice Chair

Senator Chang

Senator San Buenaventura

Senator Awa

Ways & Means Committee Members:

Senator Dela Cruz, Chair

Senator Moriwaki, Vice Chair

Senator Aquino

Senator DeCoite (WR)

Senator Elefante (WR)

Senator Hashimoto

Senator Inouye

Senator Kanuha

Senator Kidani

Senator Kim

Senator Lee

Senator Wakai

Senator Fevella

Be sure to tune in for the upcoming informational briefing on Pesticides & Public Health 

Date: Monday, February 24, 2025

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: Hawai‘i State Capitol, Conference Room 224

Sponsored by: 

Senator Mike Gabbard

Representative Kahaloa

Representative Perruso

Representative Lowen

Hosted by: 

Protect Our Keiki Coalition


Mahalo to the House Committees on Education (EDN) and Finance (FIN) for passing HB763 HD1!


Action Alert: Support Farm to Families