Alert: Help Support a Sustainable Food System for Hawaiʻi!

A sustainable food system is one in which producers, retailers, members of the community, non-governmental organizations, and government agencies partner to create a vibrant and resilient local food economy that enhances and sustains the environmental, economic, and social health of the community.

Developing a more sustainable food system for Hawaii represents an opportunity to create a new food economy that integrates the objectives of "green" job creation, sustainable economic development, land stewardship, food security, environmental protection, and climate change resiliency with community health and well-being.

For more on why a food systems plan is needed, check out the work of our partners at Transforming Hawaiiʻs Food Systems Together, the lead advocates for this bill.

SB420 - Sustainable Food Systems Planning Bill

Establishes the sustainable food systems working group within the department of agriculture. Requires the working group to submit a plan, any recommendations for implementing the plan, and any proposed legislation to the legislature. Appropriates funds to establish the working group and develop the plan and for an unspecified number of sustainability specialist positions to be employed by the department of agriculture.

Hearing is before the Senate Committee on Agriculture and the Environment on Weds, February 1st at 1pm in Conference Room 224 or via zoom.

Testimony is due Tuesday, January 31st at 1pm

Sample Testimony:


Too many families in Hawaii are facing food insecurity, our farmers struggle to access affordable land and water, and climate change poses threats to our local food production. However, a more resilient food system can address these various challenges but only if we take a coordinated approach. 

We can meet our goals of increasing local food production while also diversifying our local economy.  Because our food system is so broad and complex, a plan will be needed to identify how the various sectors of our food system can work together to increase local food security. 

A coordinated food systems plan led by key stakeholders across our food system can help connect the dots between local food producers, consumers, state institutional purchasing and community anti-hunger efforts. This work is critical to identify and advance solutions to fix our reliance on imports and to create a sustainable and equitable food economy. 

Please support SB420 to create a sustainable food systems working plan for Hawaii.


Your Name, Residence/Town

Mahalo for taking action!


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